NLCGA Bridge Drive – with lunch and cake!
11th October – Stannington Village Hall
Book early to avoid disappointment
Doors open 10:00 for 11 am start – light lunch will be served around 12:30pm
Juniors tournaments
Margaret Crofton Cup and Swinburne Trophy
Winner of the Margaret Crofton Trophy was Rachel Batey and winner of the Swinburne Trophy wa Felicity Keenan.
Durnell Trophy
A fantastic day at Blyth Golf Club in aid of Maggie’s – Captain Jane’s charity for the year.
A big field of 152 players and lots of fun had by all, dressed in orange and fancy dress outfits.
The winners of the best outfits were the Whitley Bay team with amazing traffic cone hats worn all through the round of golf!
County Match Week
Day1 Well done Northumberland. Wins against Cheshire and Durham!
Jubilee Trophies
A wonderful day at Bedlington. Thanks to everyone for a great welcome.